
Two Videos on YouTube

an interview about my approach to teaching

a video about experimental design made by my students

Current Courses

PSYC 101: Introduction to Developmental Psychology

This is an undergraduate-level introduction to developmental psychology covering a variety of topics, including prenatal, cognitive, and social development.

PSYC 110: Junior Honors Seminar

This is a required class for the Psychology Honors Program. UCSD professors from many different areas of psychology discuss their research with students.

PSYC 194a, 194b, and 194c: Honors Thesis

This is a required series of classes for the Psychology Honors Program. Students take part in a weekly research seminar in the fall and carry out a three-quarter research project under the supervision of a faculty member. This project forms the basis of the Senior Honors Thesis.

Form to request a letter of recommendation, in a pdf file.